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Viele Kommunen bündeln die Informationen in einer Neubürgerbroschüre, die gedruckt oder auch ausschließlich online ausgegeben wird. Beim Druck empfiehlt sich vorab die Überlegung, wie mit Informationen umgegangen wird, die schnell veralten. Informieren Sie über die wichtigsten Kontaktdaten, Termine und Sprechzeiten, z.

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Gamble responsibly messaging

Gamble responsibly messaging

The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Human Subjects Ethical Review Committee at Southern Cross University.

Whilst focus groups typically have high face validity, group size may be small and the results may not be statistically generalizable [ 99 , ].

The results, however, still provide meaningful insights into how participants respond to messages presented to them, as well as feedback on message wording and content.

As any message used in actual marketing materials would need to be adapted for its particular market, focus groups are a useful method for exploring themes that a generic strategy could consider. The four player cohorts were identified based on a review of the literature and are groups that could be easily identified in player databases for message distribution.

In total, 39 participants attended the four focus groups:. Each of the authors independently generated potential messages for the cohorts. That list of potential messages was then reviewed by all authors for content and relevance within the literature framework and reduced to a useful subset through consensus.

Messages were selected to be similar to archetypal messages used by RG programs, but also with consideration of the evidence for their effectiveness found in the health messaging literature review. Messages were then reviewed for appropriate length before inclusion in the focus group moderator guide, which can be viewed as supplementary file Additional file 1.

Each message contained an action phrase connected to an RG tool to prompt respondents to consider their behavioral response. The Player Assessment Quiz is an online quiz that helps gamblers better understand their own gambling behavior within the scope of health habits.

The Limit Setting tool is a budgeting tool that allows players to set a weekly limit on the total amount they can transfer into their online gambling account. Table 1 below displays the messages presented to the respective groups. Participants were selected and screened by telephone using a database comprised of randomly selected households in Manitoba, Canada.

Table 2 below displays core sample characteristics reported during the screening process, including gender, age, gambling activity, and gambling frequency, which was measured as a simplified dichotomous variable for screening into the frequent gamblers group. During the recruitment and screening process, all participants completed an informed consent form.

Research suggests online focus groups may elicit more themes with sensitive topics than in-person focus groups [ ]. The iTracks platform conducts focus groups in a written format, similar to an online chat room.

The online focus group was conducted in a similar manner to an in-person focus group, with a moderator leading a discussion among a small group of participants.

The participants submitted typed answers to the group, and the moderator was able to communicate privately with individual participants. Through the private messaging system, the moderator was able to ask individual follow-up questions whilst continuing the discussion in the main focus group.

Focus groups were structured to elicit responses to the proposed messages, with an interest in collecting participant feedback on six pre-developed messages per group. The messages were presented in five cases, one at a time; each case focusing on a different RG tool as displayed in Table 1.

Participants were first asked for their initial response to the message, and then asked why they would or would not engage with the linked tool.

Next, the inquiry requested any proposed changes that participants would make to the message to make it more relevant to them. Where relevant, the moderator would send follow-up messages to individual participants to elicit further details on their response to the individual messages.

Finally, participants discussed the types of messages they found most effective, and offered up their own wording, themes, or specific phrases that would get them to engage with RG tools. The transcriptions of the focus groups were subjected to content analysis with a focused coding approach.

In focused coding, researchers identify themes and look for associated data fitting under categories of interest [ ]. Coding categories were established based on the literature review and focused on message tone, potential engagement, personalization options, numbers, and terminology e.

gaming, player vs. The message tone theme was used to assess participant interpretation of the tone of the message e. The potential engagement category was used to code how participants indicated they would or would not engage with the RG tool associated with the message.

The personalization options theme covered participant suggestions of how the messages could be individualized for different people or player types.

The numbers theme described inclusion of numbers from individual play behaviors, such as amount of time or money spent gambling. Finally, the terminology code was used to identify where participants identified qualities of the vocabulary used.

To establish inter-rater reliability, two researchers independently coded the data set The messages recommended for each specific group as a result of the analysis is presented in Table 3. Within all groups, there was no difference in message preference between genders.

Young Adults were particularly responsive to message tone, especially messages that were perceived as condescending. Young Adults also indicated a preference for messaging that provided tips to show how they can save money, by using the linked RG skills and tools. Some follow-up comments suggested that participants were interested in messages with tips that helped them become more successful gamblers i.

The idea of presenting negative realities was also suggested — the discussion turned to the potential harms of problem gambling and a proposal for warning messages similar to those on cigarette packs was presented as an option for messaging. Beyond this concern, the group was positive about the use of messages in general, suggesting that they be clever, upbeat, and humorous, with reminders to keep the game fun.

Some participants suggested that additional messages that show negative consequences of problem gambling would also be useful, as well as information on where to get help if a gambler thinks they are losing control. Older Adults identified the Play Summary as a useful tool, though many indicated they already set limits when they play.

In addition, the quiz to test gambling knowledge and the limit setting tools were selected as tools that the group would seek out if they received a message promoting the tool. Matching this preference, Skill Game Gamblers indicated that the Play Summary was a valuable tool for them, making them think about their own budget.

The quiz testing gambling knowledge was also considered useful, primarily for the purpose of confirming their own knowledge. Skill Game Gamblers also suggested that messages should include reminders of the ramifications of overspending, as well as that the odds are against winning and that in the long run, the house always wins.

As with the other groups, Frequent Gamblers emphasized the need for positive language in RG messaging, and to avoid any language that might be accusatory or might make someone feel guilty about their gambling behavior. Individual spend numbers were requested as a reminder of play behaviors, paralleling the request of Skill Game Gamblers.

Frequent Gamblers were the only group to not positively endorse the Play Summary tool, with most participants indicating they were already aware of their limits and spend, and thus felt they did not need the tool.

Also, distinct from other groups, Frequent Gamblers responded positively to the self-assessment tool, expressing curiosity about their classification. This research is the first study to empirically consider the content of RG messages in identifiable cohorts.

In this study, thematic differences were found between subgroups of players. This was observed in both message wording e. This is consistent with research suggesting that young people are more prone to erroneous beliefs about gambling, such as the idea that gambling can be controlled [ 78 , 79 , 80 ].

In contrast, Older Adults looked for more light-hearted messages, focused on keeping gambling fun. Older Adults were also attracted to limit-setting features that were not as popular among other groups. Older Adults, many of whom are on a fixed income, may benefit from tools that help them be mindful of how much money they spend on gambling [ , ].

The self-assessment test of gambling behaviors and limit setting tools were viewed more positively by Frequent Gamblers. Frequency of gambling has been identified as predictive of problem gambling [ ], and these messages prompt the recipient to assess their own level and style of gambling, and also suggest a tool that can be used to help them keep their gambling within affordable levels [ ].

Skill Game Gamblers preferred more direct communication, seeing themselves as able to incorporate information into their gambling, including about potential risks of gambling. Frequent Gamblers were interested in resources to assist them in keeping track of their expenditure — such as activity statements in the Play Summary tool.

This is consistent with Philander and Gainsbury [ ] who suggest that because those who play games with an element of skill are more likely to develop illusions of control about their skill [ ], messages for these gamblers should encourage gamblers to be mindful of the element of chance in games.

The Play Summary message also serves as a reminder to Skill Game Gamblers to be mindful of their sessions and expenditure. Recreational Skill Game Gamblers can exhibit impulsive personality traits and may demonstrate signs of chasing behaviors [ , , ], and this message may encourage them to use the Play Summary tool as a means of keeping themselves aware of expenditure resulting from such behavior.

Messages were found to be more likely to be persuasive if they promote positive attitudes towards the desired behavior.

Gamblers may be more likely to engage with RG resources if they believe that these resources are typically used by their peers, and those that they respect. Focus group participants consistently discussed the importance of messages not being patronizing or judgmental.

Educational- and awareness-based messaging is a tool that the gambling field has adopted from the wider public health field, with mixed success. Customizing RG messages and pairing RG tools based on age, gambling frequency, and type of gambling activities may enhance the effectiveness of messages and subsequent engagement with RG resources.

Literature supports the use of messages that encourage gamblers to consider their own gambling, rather than providing explicit directions or information; a finding reinforced by participants in this study. When individuals generate arguments and conclusions themselves, they are more convinced than by statements provided from external sources.

Whilst focus groups are highly useful for the in-depth exploration of topics, attitudes, and concerns, the findings may not be generalizable due to the limited sample. In addition, with only one group per segment type, the ability to draw conclusions from the data is limited, as data saturation may not have been reached.

Third-person bias may be at play, where messages that focus group participants think will be persuasive may be influenced by participants considering what is effective for other people, rather than themselves. The results are also limited in that they only considered four cohorts, each with some degree of overlap.

It is likely that gambling operators can segment their player databases in more sophisticated manners.

Further research should aim to analyze player databases of gamblers to identify at-risk gamblers using more complex segmentation, connected to a theoretical understanding of persuasive messages and experimental design. Such an approach could include qualitative research more specific to the given jurisdiction, followed by field experiments testing multiple message options.

Future work should also consider how to deliver messages, in terms of mode of delivery, frequency, and duration. Each of these factors is important to effective communication.

Last, it is important to note that gambler preferences are not the only consideration in the design of public health strategies. Although gamblers may prefer one RG tool to another, that does not mean that this is the tool from which they would most likely benefit [ ].

As such, one important role for RG messages and public health communication strategies is to effectively describe available resources to enhance understanding among relevant groups and evaluate related outcomes, even where there is not intrinsic interest in their use.

By focusing messages on a specific intended audience, messages can be developed to elicit greater individual responsiveness and compliance. Our research suggests that there are some commonalities in message components that are perceived to be most effective in encouraging uptake of preventative and harm-minimizing behaviors.

This includes promoting positive attitudes towards the desired behavior and reducing the perceived cost of compliance — that is, positive framing, and making behaviors easier and simpler to complete.

Increasing specificity of messages also enhances engagement, particularly if a sense of urgency is conveyed. Personalizing messages to target specific population subgroups and understanding the characteristics of those subgroups is advantageous and likely to enhance the presentation of health information.

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Nutr Rev. Glock S, Müller BC, Krolak-Schwerdt S. Implicit associations and compensatory health beliefs in smokers: exploring their role for behaviour and their change through warning labels. Br J Health Psychol. it's not really my place to say, it's not my money.

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How we help. Government harm reduction policy and legislative enforcement, alongside addressing influences in the broader system is critical. Australia led the race in reducing tobacco harm with significant investment to addressing system impacts including bans on tobacco sport sponsorship, tobacco advertising and counter display communications, alongside plain packaging requirements.

In turn, these actions significantly reduced capability of tobacco companies to recruit new smokers. There is growing concern about the relationship between betting companies and professional sports teams and the growing reliance on betting money.

Wagering companies have had a long relationship with professional sporting organisations, clubs, broadcasters and former stars. There is also momentum questioning whether gambling advertising needed at all.

Australia took a stance to reducing harm from tobacco by attacking tobacco advertising and sport funding relationships. Sporting organisations survived. No doubt this question will be asked again if the government takes a strong stance to reduce wagering normalisation.

No doubt sporting leagues will again survive. Dr Marie-Louise Fry is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing in Griffith Business School Her research interests brings practical and theoretical insight into understanding consumption behaviour across a variety of marketing arenas.

Marie-Louise is widely published in leading marketing and behaviour change journals, sits on the editorial board of two academic journals and is a frequent speaker at behaviour change and marketing conferences.

In November , the release of ChatGPT, a free-to-use chatbot based on GPT-3, brought powerful language models to the public.

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YouTube users will only see betting ads if they are logged in to an age- verified account, and BGC members will also post frequent responsible gambling messages The term safer gambling messaging here relates to communications campaigns and wider marketing activity that seek to address gambling-related harms through Guides, information and tools to stay safe when gambling. Information for parents and carers to keep young people and children safe from gambling

Sustainable Gaming Solutions

Sustainable Gaming Solutions

Finally, the disposal of old gaming hardware and peripherals such as e-waste also contributes to carbon emissions. Now that we know how gaming contributes to carbon emissions and just how critical it is to make changes, we need to discuss some potential ways to reduce the carbon emission caused by gaming.

Many scientists and environmentalists have been making efforts to find ways to efficiently cut emissions and with the help of gaming giants, we can actually succeed in our efforts.

Here are some of the potential solutions that we can use to reduce the negative effects of gaming on our environment:. Use Renewable Energy Sources. The gaming industry is energy-intensive, with data centers being one of the biggest energy consumers. By using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, gaming companies can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, which are the main source of carbon emissions.

This will not only reduce their carbon footprint but also create a more sustainable future. This can be achieved by installing on-site renewable energy sources like Solar Panels or Wind Turbines, which will significantly reduce the impact on our environment.

Cloud Gaming. I am sure many of you have already heard of Cloud Gaming and for very good reasons. Many consider Cloud Gaming to be the future of the gaming industry and it could well be the solution to reducing the impact of gaming on the environment.

By consolidating game processing onto centralised servers, cloud gaming can reduce the overall energy consumption of the gaming industry. So, instead of players individually using a lot of energy, the whole burden will be managed by the centralised server, which will save a lot of energy.

And on top of that, Cloud Gaming will also help reduce both e-waste and data, players will not need to download the game on their device as they will be streaming a copy from the server. This article aims to evaluate the environmental impact of video game production and explore sustainable solutions.

Video game production is a resource-intensive process that traditionally relies heavily on non-renewable energy sources.

From the manufacturing and packaging of physical copies to the energy consumption of game consoles and servers, the industry's carbon footprint is significant. However, recent advancements in technology and growing awareness have paved the way for more eco-friendly practices.

The energy consumption of video game consoles, gaming PCs, and servers is one of the major contributors to the industry's carbon emissions.

According to a study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, gaming consoles alone consume around 16 TWh of energy annually in the United States, resulting in approximately 11 million metric tons of CO2 emissions. By embracing renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, game developers can significantly reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy.

Transitioning to renewable energy not only helps the environment but also provides long-term cost savings and a positive public image. Traditional game distribution involves the production and shipping of physical copies, which contributes to deforestation, waste generation, and carbon emissions.

However, the emergence of digital distribution platforms has revolutionized the industry and reduced the environmental impact. The video game industry has a unique opportunity to lead the way in sustainable practices by implementing environmentally friendly strategies in game development.

Here are some key ways developers can embrace renewable energy:. Implementing renewable energy sources to power game servers can have a significant impact on reducing the industry's carbon emissions. Game developers can partner with renewable energy providers or invest in their own solar or wind farms to ensure a clean energy supply for their online games.

Transforming game studios into environmentally friendly spaces can help reduce energy consumption and create a positive work environment. Incorporating energy-efficient lighting, maximizing natural light, and installing motion sensors are some methods developers can adopt to make their studios greener.

Game developers can use their platform to raise awareness about environmental issues by incorporating eco-friendly themes in their game content. This not only educates players but also encourages them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Implementing renewable energy in game development offers numerous benefits for both the industry and the environment. Transitioning to renewable energy sources significantly reduces the carbon emissions associated with game development. This not only helps combat climate change but also aligns the industry with environmental goals set by governments and organizations worldwide.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have become increasingly cost-effective in recent years. By embracing renewable energy, game developers can reduce their long-term energy costs while contributing to a sustainable future. Embracing renewable energy demonstrates a company's commitment to sustainability and resonates with environmentally conscious consumers.

By implementing eco-friendly practices, game developers can attract a larger audience and enhance their reputation as a socially responsible company. As non-renewable energy sources deplete and the cost of energy rises, companies relying on renewable energy will have a competitive advantage.

Implementing renewable energy sources in game development ensures the long-term viability and sustainability of the industry. As the video game industry continues to grow, it is essential for game developers to consider the environmental impact of their production processes.

By embracing renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption, and incorporating sustainably themed content, the industry can make a significant positive impact on the environment.

Implementing renewable energy not only reduces carbon emissions but also provides long-term cost savings and a competitive advantage, while positioning the industry as a leader in sustainable practices.

Green gaming: The amalgamation of technology and sustainability Green gaming, also known as eco-friendly gaming, is gaining traction in the gaming industry. It involves designing games that prioritize environmental responsibility through various strategies, including reduced power consumption, renewable energy usage, and promoting sustainable lifestyle choices.

By implementing innovative game design techniques, green gaming aims to entertain players while raising awareness about environmental issues. Lowering carbon footprints: Energy-efficient gaming devices One of the key focuses of eco-friendly game design is to lower carbon footprints by designing energy-efficient gaming devices.

Traditional gaming consoles and PCs consume a significant amount of power, contributing to increased energy consumption. However, manufacturers are now incorporating energy-saving features in their products. For example, gaming laptops are being designed with optimized power management settings that reduce energy consumption without compromising performance.

Such innovations not only benefit the environment but also help gamers save on electricity bills. Promoting sustainable lifestyles through gameplay Game designers are finding creative ways to promote sustainable lifestyles through gameplay mechanics.

Environmental themes are being incorporated into games, encouraging players to make eco-friendly choices. For instance, players might be rewarded for choosing sustainable transportation options or adopting environmentally friendly practices within the game world.

By integrating sustainability into gameplay, these games create an immersive and educational experience for players, instilling a sense of environmental responsibility.

Virtual reality for real-world sustainability experiences Virtual reality VR gaming has emerged as a powerful tool to create real-world sustainability experiences. VR can transport players to virtual environments where they can explore various eco-friendly scenarios, such as wildlife conservation or renewable energy generation.

This technology allows players to experience firsthand the impact of their decisions on the environment, fostering empathy and understanding. VR can also be used as a tool to raise awareness about environmental issues by immersing players in interactive educational experiences. Collaborative gaming for a sustainable future Collaborative gaming is becoming increasingly popular not only for its social aspects but also for its potential to promote sustainability.

Multiplayer games that require teamwork and cooperation can be leveraged to tackle environmental challenges. For instance, players might work together to solve virtual environmental puzzles or devise strategies to mitigate pollution.

Collaborative gaming provides a platform for players to collectively address environmental issues, fostering a sense of community and encouraging sustainable action. Advantages of incorporating sustainability in game design Increased awareness: Eco-friendly games raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage players to adopt sustainable practices in real life.

Engaging learning experience: By gamifying sustainable actions, players are motivated to learn and make positive changes in their daily lives. Real-world impact: Green gaming can inspire players to take real-world actions towards environmental conservation and sustainability.

Opportunities for innovation: The integration of sustainability in game design opens up new avenues for technological advancements and creative gameplay mechanics. Green gaming is a trending concept that aims to combine technology and sustainability in game design.

Energy-efficient gaming devices can help reduce carbon footprints and save electricity. Sustainability-themed gameplay mechanics create engaging experiences for players while promoting eco-friendly choices.

Virtual reality gaming offers immersive experiences to educate players about environmental issues and sustainable practices. Collaborative gaming fosters teamwork and community involvement in addressing environmental challenges. Incorporating sustainability in game design brings various advantages, including increased awareness, engaging learning experiences, and real-world impact.

By harnessing the power of game design innovations, the gaming industry has the opportunity to not only entertain but also inspire players to make a positive impact on the environment.

Through eco-friendly game design, players can be motivated to adopt sustainable practices and contribute towards a greener future. Reducing Digital Carbon Footprint: Strategies for Environmentally Conscious Game Developers The Environmental Impact of Gaming Did you know that the gaming industry is responsible for emitting an estimated million tons of carbon dioxide each year, which is more than the entire country of New Zealand?

This significant carbon footprint stems from various sources, such as data centers, gaming consoles, and the energy consumption of devices used to play games. One key area where developers can reduce their carbon footprint is by optimizing game assets.

By compressing textures, minimizing file sizes, and employing efficient coding techniques, developers can significantly reduce the energy required to process and render graphics.

This optimization not only benefits the environment but also improves loading times and gameplay experience for players. Data centers and gaming devices consume massive amounts of electricity. By prioritizing energy-efficient hardware components and infrastructure, developers can reduce their carbon footprint significantly.

For instance, utilizing high-efficiency power supplies, optimizing cooling systems, and implementing energy management tools can make a substantial difference in energy consumption. Cloud gaming is becoming increasingly popular, and it offers significant environmental benefits.

By transferring the computing power required to play games from local hardware to remote data centers, cloud gaming reduces the energy consumption of individual gaming devices.

Gaming giants power up with renewable sources, reshaping the digital frontier with sustainable energy solutions for a greener gaming ecosystem Earthly offers industry-focused solutions for Sporting & Games to help accelerate sustainability efforts and meet net-zero commitments We can design games that teach players about environmental conservation or incorporate sustainability challenges within gameplay. This doesn't



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About Us. Our primary purpose is to stop gambling and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same. Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real problem gamblers.

No one likes to think they are different from their fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our gambling careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could gamble like other people. The idea that somehow, some day, we will control our gambling is the great obsession of every compulsive gambler.

The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of prison, insanity or death.

We learned we had to concede fully to our innermost selves that we are compulsive gamblers. This is the first step in our recovery. With the aid of the Samaritans and some local clergy and businessmen, Leslie D started what was to become the first G A meeting in the British Isles, in October Humbly asked God of our understanding to remove our shortcomings.

The act of giving away your shortcomings. This is not just defects of character but all your weaknesses. If you have truly accepted that humility, honesty and sharing are the basis of your recovery, then this step will be taken in your stride.

Once […]. We admitted we were powerless over gambling — that our lives had become unmanageable. You are being asked to admit BOTH that you are powerless over your gambling AND that your life is unmanageable.

Admitting one without the other is to deny the extent of your problem. From the moment I arrived […].

This site offers various help for the compulsive gambler including a Forum, Chat Room, Literature and of course most importantly a meeting finder Coronavirus statement. There is no higher priority to the Gamblers Anonymous International Service Office than the well being of our entire fellowship and GAMBLER definition: 1. someone who often gambles, for example in a game or on a horse race: 2. someone who often. Learn more

Cashback schemes for charitable giving

Cashback schemes for charitable giving

The Community Foundation is a team of locally based grant managers with extensive knowledge of local needs. They create and administer benevolent funds and grant giving schemes for philanthropists, businesses, central Government, and local authorities, that want to improve their reach into local communities.

The Community Foundation manages more than £10m of charitable funds each year, which are designed to create a lasting local legacy. We have always taken our commitment to our local community very seriously and this year really want to ramp-up our impact.

We want to create a positive future for the community we exist in. We want to support people and organisations local to us, and we want that support to have a beneficial and sustainable impact.

Everyone knows the environmental challenges facing our planet, and we hope by investing in schemes that help our planet and benefit our local community, we will have a positive impact. Often businesses will know what they want to do and how they want to help, but they may not be aware of all the organisations working in their local community.

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Welcome bonus

Welcome bonus

Sign up here. At CNBC Select, our mission is to provide our readers with high-quality service journalism and comprehensive consumer advice so they can make informed decisions with their money.

Every credit card review is based on rigorous reporting by our team of expert writers and editors with extensive knowledge of credit card products.

While CNBC Select earns a commission from affiliate partners on many offers and links, we create all our content without input from our commercial team or any outside third parties, and we pride ourselves on our journalistic standards and ethics.

See our methodology for more information on how we choose the best credit card sign-up bonuses. To determine which cards offer the best value, CNBC Select analyzed over of the most popular credit cards available in the U. that are open to anyone and offer welcome bonuses. We compared each card on a range of features, including cash-back rewards, annual fees, welcome bonuses, introductory and standard APR, balance transfer fees and foreign transaction fees, as well as factors such as required credit and customer reviews when available.

CNBC Select teamed up with location intelligence firm Esri. The company's data development team provided the most up-to-date and comprehensive consumer spending data based on the Consumer Expenditure Surveys from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You can read more about their methodology here. General purchases include items such as housekeeping supplies, clothing, personal care products, prescription drugs and vitamins, and other vehicle expenses.

CNBC Select used this budget to estimate how much the average consumer would save over the course of a year, two years and five years, assuming they would attempt to maximize their rewards potential by earning all welcome bonuses offered and using the card for all applicable purchases.

All rewards total estimations are net the annual fee. It's important to note the value of a point or mile varies from card to card and is based on how you redeem them.

When we calculated the estimated returns, we assumed that cardholders are redeeming cash back for a typical maximum value of 1 cent per point or mile. Extreme optimizers might be able to achieve more value. Our final picks are weighted heavily toward the highest five-year returns since it's generally wise to hold onto a credit card for years.

This method also avoids giving an unfair advantage to cards with large welcome bonuses. While the five-year estimates we've included are derived from a budget similar to the average American's spending, you may earn a higher or lower return depending on your shopping habits. Catch up on CNBC Select's in-depth coverage of credit cards , banking and money , and follow us on TikTok , Facebook , Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date.

For rates and fees of The Platinum Card® from American Express, click here. For rates and fees of the American Express® Gold Card, click here. For rates and fees of Delta SkyMiles® Gold American Express Card, click here.

For rates and fees of the Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Delta SkyMiles® Gold Business American Express Card, click here.

For rates and fees of the Delta SkyMiles® Platinum Business American Express Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Delta SkyMiles® Reserve Business American Express Card, click here.

For rates and fees of the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass® Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Hilton Honors American Express Business Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card, click here. For rates and fees of the Marriott Bonvoy Business® American Express® Card, click here.

For rates and fees of the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card, click here. Information about the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® Credit Card, Marriott Bonvoy Bold® Credit Card, Prime Visa Card and Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card has been collected independently by Select and has not been reviewed or provided by the issuer of the card prior to publication.

See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply. Skip Navigation. Credit Cards. Follow Select. Our top picks of timely offers from our partners More details. UFB Secure Savings. Accredited Debt Relief. LendingClub High-Yield Savings.

Choice Home Warranty. Freedom Debt Relief. Select independently determines what we cover and recommend. We earn a commission from affiliate partners on many offers and links.

This commission may impact how and where certain products appear on this site including, for example, the order in which they appear. Read more about Select on CNBC and on NBC News , and click here to read our full advertiser disclosure.

The offer mentioned below for the Southwest cards is no longer available. Learn More. On Wells Fargo's secure site. View More. On Capital One's secure site. Pros No annual fee Low spending requirement for the welcome bonus Redeem cash back for any amount at any time No foreign transaction fee.

Rewards 5 Miles per dollar on hotel and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, 2X miles per dollar on every other purchase. On Chase's secure site. On Chase's Secure site.

Rewards Enjoy 4. Pros No annual fee Rewards can be transferred to a Chase Ultimate Rewards card Generous welcome bonus. On the American Express secure site. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply. Enrollment required.

Plus Up Benefits not eligible. Plus Ups not eligible. Subject to auto-renewal. Benefit renews annually. com and Whole Foods Market No fee charged on purchases made outside the U. com or at Whole Foods Market. Each Free Night Award has a redemption level up to 50, Marriott Bonvoy® points, for a total potential value of up to , points, at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®.

Certain hotels have resort fees. What is a credit card sign-up bonus? How do credit card sign-up bonuses work? Are credit card sign-up bonus offers worth it? Below, Select takes a look at what a credit card sign-up bonus is, how it works and how to benefit from one. You likely have seen a card issuer advertise welcome bonuses for their credit cards on their website or on mail offers you receive at home.

They include language promising "bonus points" or a certain dollar amount of cash back when you sign up and spend on a certain credit card. These sign-up offers, also referred to as welcome bonuses, encourage you to open a credit card account and start using your card right away.

The best credit cards offer alluring bonuses that can add hundreds back to your wallet, but you usually have to first spend money on your card in order to earn the bonus. On the bright side, this actually makes the bonus rewards you receive non-taxable income when it comes to doing your taxes since you had to earn them by spending money.

Bonuses are considered a rebate, not a form of income. In addition to requiring a minimum spend, welcome bonuses come with time requirement as well. After meeting the minimum spending requirement to earn your welcome bonus, how quickly the points or miles post to your account depends on the card issuer.

Once you qualify for the bonus, cash back is applied to your rewards balance within two billing cycles. See rates and fees. The offer details state that "after qualifying, please allow six to eight weeks for bonus points to post to your account.

If you are planning on using your welcome bonus to buy a specific purchase or plan a trip somewhere, be sure to take these time requirements into account. Charging hundreds or thousands of dollars onto your credit card within a short period of time seems like an expensive way to earn rewards, but if you have a large purchase to make or an upcoming vacation to plan, a welcome bonus can actually come in handy.

For instance, one financial expert we spoke to met the minimum spend on her new credit cards by charging her and her husband's wedding rings and the cost of a small wedding. The couple then used the cash back she earned from welcome bonuses to help offset the cost of their honeymoon.

And once you do use your credit card to earn a welcome bonus, it's essential that you pay off any large balances quickly so you don't accrue interest that offsets the value. The regular variable APR on this card ranges from Because of the high interest credit cards charge, make sure you can pay off whatever you spend to earn the bonus.

Here are some of the top cards of Select's round-up of the best credit card welcome bonuses. If you're interested in earning more rewards with a new credit card, consider one of the above that can help you make some extra cash when you spend.

Don't miss: Credit cards with welcome bonus offers of , points or more.

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High-stakes gaming

High-stakes gaming

It is also a model of sensitive and thoughtful writing with respect to American Indians, who have long been rightly suspicious of the ethnographic gaze and ethnographic representation.

High Stakes shows what ethnography can, indeed must, be and do in the twenty-first century. Ortner, author of Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject. Here Jessica R. Cattelino examines with great ethnographic care and rigor the expectation that Indians be poor even where they have wealth, that wealth portends a diminishment of culture, and that indigeneity then stand before this process in an unrelenting and unchanging way.

With a nuanced, careful, and precise ethnographic eye to and with the Seminole Tribe of Florida, this very important book proves so much otherwise. Jessica R. Cattelino is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. Winner, Delmos Jones and Jagna Sharff Memorial Prize awarded by the Society for the Anthropology of North America.

Visit the Author's Website. Bk Cover Image Full. Sign In. Search Cart. Search for:. Explore Subjects Books Browse Authors and Editors Journals Browse Authors and Editors Prospective Journals Societies Browse Society Members and Officers Prospective Societies Open Access About Who We Are What We Do News Awards Contact Us Give Job Opportunities Conferences.

High Stakes Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty. This dramatic shift from poverty to relative economic security has created tangible benefits for tribal citizens, including employment, universal health insurance, and social services.

Renewed political self-governance and economic strength have reversed decades of U. settler-state control. At the same time, gaming has brought new dilemmas to reservation communities and triggered outside accusations that Seminoles are sacrificing their culture by embracing capitalism.

In High Stakes , Jessica R. Paperback Cloth. Availability: In stock Please read our FAQ's to learn more about Pre-Orders. Add to cart. Open Access.

Request a desk or exam copy. Table of Contents Back to Top. Illustrations ix Acknowledgments xi Introduction: Seminole Gaming in the Sunshine State 1 1. Casino Roots 29 2. Cultural Currencies 59 3. Fungibility: The Politics of Casino Money 95 Interlude: Mateo Romero's Indian Gaming 4.

Rebuilding Sovereignty 5. Sovereign Interdependencies Conclusion: Betting on the House Notes References Index Rights Back to Top. Awards Back to Top. Honorable Mention, Gregory Bateson Prize, Society for Cultural Anthropology Winner, Delmos Jones and Jagna Sharff Memorial Prize awarded by the Society for the Anthropology of North America.

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Bonus bets are currently one of the most common welcome bonuses. These bonus bets allow you to make a bet without risking more of your own money. There may be limitations on how a bonus bet can be used, and may also come with an expiry date. Bonus bets are the most popular welcome bonus option these days.

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First deposit bonuses are common sign-up bonuses offered by sportsbooks. A second chance bet is a promotion for new users that provides a safety net for their first-ever bet with a new sportsbook.

This bonus cannot be withdrawn as real cash and can sometimes expire if not used within days of the bet settlement. The second-chance bet is popular with BetRivers Sportsbook and has a different amount listed per state they are in. Also known as first-bet insurance, Caesars regularly offers one of the most prominent variations of this type of deal.

If it loses, you'll get a single bonus bet back in the amount you lost. A reload bonus is offered to existing sportsbook customers and allows them to receive bonus money when reloading their account with a deposit.

A reload bonus is similar to a deposit-matching sign-up bonus but usually less lucrative. Do you have a friend interested in making some bets? You and your friend can earn a reward using a best sportsbook referral bonus , typically delivered as bet credits.

Once your friend creates an account and makes their first deposit, the referral bonus is awarded to your account. The sportsbooks generally change the amount of the refer-a-friend bonus from time to time, so it's always good to check what the offers are before you send the codes to a friend to be sure of the terms and conditions.

No deposit promos are a rare breed and hold the least amount of risk for bettors. As the name suggests, a no-deposit promo is available to bettors without depositing into their accounts. Bettors receive betting credit or bonus wagers without having to put up any of their cash.

Sportsbooks and the best sports betting apps commonly offer odds boosts and can be applied to any bet type or betting market, or they may be connected to a specific event, the Super Bowl. Odds boost a bettor's chance to boost the odds and, in turn, the potential payout on a bet.

First bet insurance is also known as second chance bets at some sportsbooks. If you obtain this promo and your first bet does lose, you will be awarded the stake of that wager as a bet credit.

Some first-bet insurance promos have bet size and type requirements, so know what they are before accepting the promo. A profit boost bonus allows a bettor to boost the potential profit of a bet. Many sportsbooks offer loyalty or VIP programs that reward players for betting on their sites.

Loyalty programs can be structured in several ways, including awarding reward points, leveling up through rewards tiers based on how frequently or how much you bet, or completing missions or tasks.

When joining a loyalty or VIP program, review the terms and conditions so you know the program's structure and how you can best take advantage of the rewards offered.

Sportsbooks regularly offer contests that come with a wide variety of prizes. This could include bonus bets, sportsbook swag, cash prizes, or even all-expense paid trips to sporting events like March Madness.

Some contests are simply the luck of the draw, while others may have some skill involved, like pick 'em contests. Check out our Sportsbook Review contests. Existing users of the top sportsbooks in the U.

who have already taken advantage of the top welcome bonuses have plenty of options when it comes to additional promos per sportsbook. The best sportsbooks all offer ongoing bonuses, boosts, and contests to keep existing players engaged and able to maximize potential profit. Existing customers can look for daily boosts and super boosts from the likes of DraftKings and bet throughout the season, including in time for one of the largest tournaments in sports, March Madness.

bet also has profit boosts throughout the week for NBA, NHL and College Basketball that existing users tend to enjoy. New users in North Carolina have enjoyed plenty of boosts and super boosts since the state launched online sports betting on March 11, Generally, during state launches, operators break out the most generous boosts around home teams to generate interest.

For example, DraftKings offered numerous No Brainer bets on Duke or UNC to score a single point or more in their March Madness games. Talk about easy money!

Here's a list of promos available for existing users for some of our favorite betting sites in the country:. The best March Madness betting promos are also available now for new and existing users. We go out of our way to help you find the best betting sites through our analysis and reviews and delve deep into which sportsbooks offer the best promos and bonuses.

This includes the best sportsbook promotions and bonuses for new and loyal customers who have stuck with a sportsbook for years.

When reviewing welcome and sign-up promos for new customers and promos and loyalty-based rewards for current customers, we also look at the variety and value of these bonuses.

Here are the most important factors we look for when determining the best sportsbooks promos:. Read below for the rundown on sportsbook promos and bonuses , including how they work and the types available to determine the best for your betting habits and bankroll.

Always remember to check the terms and conditions of all promos, boosts, and VIP offers to ensure you understand all the rules and conditions. Claiming sportsbook promotions is relatively simple. However, there are a couple of steps that bettors may have to go through before claiming a bonus offer today and some important information they need to know after claiming a sportsbook promo to get the most out of the best sportsbook promotions.

To use any sports betting app or website in the United States, you must verify your ID and age. The verification process is simple but sometimes takes up to 24 hours to confirm and complete, so be prepared. Depending on your preferred sportsbook, you may need to provide an ID to verify your identification before making deposits or withdrawals.

Some only require it for withdrawals, so ensure you know what your sportsbook needs. Your state of residency will determine how old you need to be to bet legally. In some states, betting is allowed at 18, while others have set the legal betting age at Be sure you know the legal betting age in your state before signing up at an online sportsbook.

Before you create an account with one of the fastest payout sportsbooks , ensure they offer the deposit and withdrawal methods you plan to use. Most sportsbooks accept major credit cards, so making a deposit is quick and easy using that method.

You can also use your credit card or PayPal to withdraw at most sportsbooks, and bank transfers or the old-fashioned printed check are also options. Bonus bets and bet credits are common promos offered by sportsbooks.

These credits cannot be withdrawn as cash and must be used before expiring. Depending on the sportsbook, most bet credits expire days after being placed in your account. Depending on the promo or bonus being offered, there may be specific requirements you must meet to claim some or all of the bonus.

When claiming a sportsbook promo or bonus, ensure you fully read and understand the terms and conditions to know exactly what you need to do to receive the full bonus. Here are a few common requirements to watch for.

A playthrough requirement is a term or condition set by a sportsbook that must be met to cash out bonus credits and winnings associated with those credits. A 1X playthrough requirement like this is the most common. A rollover requirement is the amount a sportsbook customer must wager before they can withdraw a bonus.

The rollover amount is determined by multiplying the sum of a deposit and a bonus by a given number, which could be two or higher. All sportsbooks do not offer the same rollover requirements, and certain promos or bonuses may have higher rollovers. Certain sportsbook promos and sports betting offers may require a minimum deposit to be claimed.

Referral bonuses are also often some with minimum deposit requirements. Deposit limits can change depending on the welcome bonus the operator is offering at the time.

Users should always read the terms and conditions to know the limits. A sportsbook may set a minimum odds requirement to keep customers from betting on massive favorites to complete bonus rollover requirements. Ensure you know if any odds restrictions are placed on promos and bonuses you accept.

Certain sportsbook promos and sportsbook bonuses may be tied to a specific type of bet. For example, a Super Bowl betting promo may be tied to bets placed on the big game, or a promo tied to props bets may require you to bet on certain props to qualify for the promo.

Sportsbooks offer promo codes for a variety of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is to attract new customers. Offering a generous sign-up bonus is a great way to entice new users to create accounts and start making bets.

Even if they all don't stick around as regular bettors, a certain percentage of them will. The second reason is to stay competitive. Most states with legal sports betting have at least three or four sportsbooks operating. Some states have as many as 20 different online betting platforms.

Offering a bonus code is a great way to try and stand out from the rest. Remember, all these books are fighting for more market share.

That means they need to attract you, the customer, by any means necessary. The good news is that you can pick and choose. There's no reason to stay loyal to any one sportsbook. Hop around and claim as many bonuses as you can. League schedules and key events or games influence sports and league-specific promo codes.

Here is a brief look at some major sports leagues and when to look for the best betting promotions and bonuses. You can expect football betting promo codes and sportsbook bonuses at the best NFL betting sites to pop up in early August, leading into Week 1. The NFL season kicks off on Thursday, usually with the defending Super Bowl champion, so there could even be game-specific promos for the season opener.

In February, the NFL boasts the busiest day on the betting calendar, Super Bowl Sunday. It's the greatest time to place your bets and watch out for the best promotions, bonuses, contests, and deals that could maximize profits on your winning bets.

The best sportsbooks offer plenty of ongoing or weekly promotion for the NFL. DraftKings has previously offered daily No Sweat same-game parlay tokens that can be used on NFL Sundays.

FanDuel revived the Kick of Destiny promotion for the championship game. Operators have also been offering boosts and super boosts in time for the Big Game. The Super Bowl betting sites and the Super Bowl betting promos have all the latest info and predictions.

The NBA season tips off in late October, and sportsbooks like to drop NBA promos and bonuses at the best NBA betting sites in time for opening night. The NBA playoffs regularly begin in May, but there are a few other highlights on the NBA schedule that sportsbooks like to link with sportsbook promos.

First is Christmas Day, a staple on the NBA schedule for years. A new wrinkle is being added to the NBA schedule next year with a mid-season tournament in early December.

The last notable NBA event the sportsbooks attach promos to are the All-Star Game and the skills competitions like the Slam Dunk Contest and the 3-point shootout. A popular NBA betting promo is the bet boost. Many sportsbooks will pre-assemble a parlay wager and then give it boosted odds.

You can score extra profit by watching for NBA odds boosts that you think will hit. Just be careful, though, as sometimes it feels these picks are thrown together quite randomly. The MLB season begins with the arrival of spring in late April.

The sportsbooks usually bring out opening day sportsbook promos and bonuses at the best MLB betting sites to celebrate the return of the boys of summer. Like the NBA, the MLB All-Star game is a launching point for sportsbook promo codes. The baseball playoffs and World Series are jammed in October when the other big sports leagues are in flight, but they still garner attention from sportsbooks looking to deliver some fun promos and bonuses.

As baseball is on a bit of an island throughout the summer season, watch for promos connected to larger-than-life players like Shohei Ohtani and Aaron Judge and big rivalries like the Yankees and Red Sox. If it loses, Caesars will refund your bet with bonus funds to take another crack at it.

The NHL hits the ice early to mid-October, and hockey-related sportsbook offers at the top NHL betting sites usually debut around opening night.

The NHL All-Star game and skills competition are often connected to promos, bonuses, and standout games like the annual Winter Classic. The Stanley Cup playoffs begin in May and run for a few months, giving the sportsbooks lots of time to deliver some cool promos and bonuses. Check their in-app promotions tab for more details.

College football typically kicks off a week before the NFL, which gives the sportsbooks time to dust off a few college pigskin sportsbook promos. Rivalry games like the Iron Bowl and Michigan vs.

Ohio State also get the promo treatment occasionally. Bowl season begins mid-December and runs until the national championship is awarded in early January.

There are too many bowl games to connect them all to promos, but the big games like the Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, and national championship games often make the cut for promos and bonuses.

College basketball hits the hardwood in late November with several preseason tournaments. This is also when the sportsbooks debut their first college basketball promos and bonuses.

The big draw for college basketball is, of course, the best March Madness betting sites. However, big rivalry matchups like Duke versus North Carolina can occasionally receive promo love. While the big four sports leagues and college football and basketball get the most attention, they do not have sport-specific promos completely cornered.

Horse racing gets the spotlight treatment in the spring for a few weeks during the Triple Crown season. That starts with the best Kentucky Derby betting sites in May. Soccer has the MLS throughout the year, but the top promos come every couple of years during the World Cup and Euro.

Also worth watching every couple of years is the Olympics, with promos in winter and summer. In January, NASCAR starts its engines with the Daytona , and the sportsbooks take notice.

Before the sign-up process, review our table of the latest sportsbook promo code offers from our best sportsbooks. The registration process for our preferred online sportsbooks is quite simple. Some sites may ask for your promo code during registration, so be ready to enter it if prompted.

You will also be asked to confirm your location within the state's borders where the sportsbook is licensed. Before you can bet and claim certain promo codes, deposit them into your new sportsbook account.

This can be done in several ways, which may vary depending on your chosen sportsbook. Where this step occurs may differ depending on the reward being offered by your promo code. Throughout the steps, whenever you are asked to enter a promo code, make sure you do so. If the promo code offers an initial deposit match, you should receive bonus credits after making your initial deposit.

If the promo was for a bonus bet, you will receive a bet credit when you meet the conditions usually a small first wager. If your bonus was a first-bet insurance deal, you'll have to wait and see if your initial wager loses before you can expect any bonus funds. If you win your first bet, you won't get any bonus funds at all.

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Exclusive bonuses for niche gambling enthusiasts

Not sure which one you want to use? You can find welcome bonuses at almost every sportsbook nowadays, for example, our top pick, Bovada. Free bets are exactly what they sound like — the sportsbook gives you a bet for free.

Sometimes, you might need to place a bet first to unlock a free bet. Free bet offers are common during big sports events like the Super Bowl or the World Cup. Keep an eye on sportsbooks like MyBookie or BetOnline during these times.

A no deposit bonus is the rare gem of sports betting. You get a bonus just for signing up — no need to put any of your own cash in. Think of a reload bonus as a pat on the back for being a loyal user of a sportsbook. Many online bookies offer similar promotions, including Bovada, BetOnline, and others.

Enhanced or boosted odds are like a power-up for your bets. The sportsbook offers better odds on a specific game or event than usual. This means if you win your bet, you win more than you normally would. These are usually offered for major sporting events or featured matches, including horse racing.

Check out bookies like BUSR and SportsBetting. ag; they are known for frequently updating lists of promos. You might be wondering why sportsbook promotions are worth your attention.

Let us shed some light on the benefits of utilizing these exciting offers. You may improve the effectiveness of your sports betting strategy and possibly win more by taking advantage of the bonuses that are offered. You can simply join a betting site, make a deposit, and claim your bonus bet, all in the comfort of your own home.

One of the exciting aspects of sportsbook promotions is the seasonal bonuses that come and go throughout the year. So, keep an eye out for these limited-time offers, as they often provide unique opportunities to make sure you never miss out.

Many sportsbooks offer referral bonuses, allowing you to scoop rewards when you refer the betting site to your friends and invite them to the party. They offer multiple bonuses to new players. The website is famous for NFL and NBA betting especially.

Loyal players tend to enjoy daily rebates and horse racing promotions. ag is a comprehensive sportsbook offering a wide range of sports, including major and specialty events, with competitive odds and a wide selection of betting options.

There are so many betting options you can explore! With its weekly structure, every game feels like an event, making each bet feel even more significant. The unpredictability of games, especially comebacks in the fourth quarter, adds an extra layer of thrill to betting.

NBA betting is known for its fast pace and high-scoring games. UFC betting stands out in the sports world due to the intense and unpredictable nature of mixed martial arts MMA. Each fight brings a unique set of variables, from fighter styles and strengths to their recent performance histories.

Baseball betting is a favorite for those who love to bet strategically. The slow pace of games and the importance of pitching matchups make pre-game research crucial. Bettors get access to a magnificent deposit bonus with low bonus wagering, and Bovada has plenty of betting markets where you can use this betting bonus.

You may encounter a few betting offers without bonus wagering requirements, but for the most part, most sports betting promotions come with wagering requirements.

We were impressed by the wide variety of both welcome bonuses and promotions for existing customers. A stand-out promotion was their seasonal NFL Thanksgiving promotion. BetNow has a long-standing reputation for being a safe and secure betting platform.

The sportsbook has all major US sports, including the NBA, MLB, NFL, and NHL, plus soccer, golf, and esports. Its prop bets offers were another feature that stood out to us as we evaluated the best sportsbook bonus codes.

While evaluating the best sportsbook promo codes and bonuses, we noticed bonuses specific to horse racing were limited. Jazz Sports has daily reward opportunities for existing customers too. This allows existing customers to benefit from referring their friends to Jazz Sports.

However, you have plenty of opportunities for bonuses, so you can pick and choose which ones you would benefit from the most. Jazz Sports offers a combination of traditional banking methods and crypto payment methods. Jazz Sports supports credit and debit cards, Skrill, Bitcoin, person-to-person transfers, Ria money transfers, and bank wires.

Jazz Sports caters to new customers and existing customers alike with its sportsbook promos. We like that it offers unique bonuses for racebook bettors, as not many other sportsbooks we evaluated have similar opportunities. We found the daily bonuses tab especially convenient — here, you can find bonuses without having to scour the internet for bonus codes.

When we rated these sportsbooks , we considered the bonus available, existing customer rewards, the accessibility of the promo requirements for the average bettor, and what payment methods each platform supports.

Any bet comes with risk, but you never want to risk putting your money in the hands of an untrustworthy sportsbook. To determine this for each operator and their sportsbook promo codes, we evaluated their history and qualifications.

A sportsbook with a long-standing history and excellent reviews is generally more dependable than a brand-new sports betting site with limited reviews. We did our research to ensure these sports betting operators have licenses to operate legally.

When an official, trusted, unbiased organization regulates a sportsbook, we can deem it a trusted site for legal sports betting. There are many different types of bonuses and promotions available, and we narrowed down our list to the best of the best when it comes to sign-up bonuses, bonus bets, parlay boosts, and more.

We chose sportsbooks that care about retaining existing customers and show it by offering rewards you can claim beyond your first bet.

These rewards involve reload bonuses, daily promotions, referral bonuses, seasonal giveaways, and sport-specific bonuses. For example, if a sportsbook has a high welcome bonus, this seems like a good deal — until you see it has a 50x rollover requirement.

Low rollover requirements, on the other hand, are an indicator of a great promotion. Similarly, some bonuses require a minimum deposit. If this number is too high, it can make the bonus inaccessible to average bettors too.

Generally, we looked for sportsbooks that offer betting on all major sports. This includes football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and hockey, among others. We ensured that each sportsbook we listed had these sports and that its interface made it easy to find each sport. Additionally, we found unique or niche betting opportunities to be a bonus.

Some sportsbooks have begun offering esports betting, for example. Others include niche sports like cricket, darts, and handball. While evaluating each sportsbook, we carefully considered the payment methods they supported.

We expect most sportsbooks to offer traditional banking options, such as debit and credit cards and bank transfers. Cryptocurrency is a bonus, as are Apple Pay and Google Pay.

We also evaluated any fees associated with payment methods. For example, some sportsbooks have fees specific to credit cards. Finally, we considered the speed of withdrawals. Most bettors prefer instant or near-instant withdrawals, though the security of those transactions remains the most important factor.

Finally, we considered the overall user experience and mobile compatibility of each sportsbook. We looked at how intuitive the user interface is. Is the menu easy to navigate?

Is there a coherent theme? After answering these questions about the desktop version, we moved to our mobile devices to see how it adapts. Some platforms appear clunky or confusing on mobile devices. We chose platforms that have mobile-friendly sites or, even better, offer apps for iOS and Android.

Sports betting promo codes or bonuses are incentives sports betting sites use to attract new customers or retain existing ones. One of the most popular types is welcome bonuses, which reward you for joining the platform or making your first deposit.

These match your initial deposit by a certain percentage, up to a maximum amount. Many sportsbooks offer reloading bonuses for existing customers, where they match later deposits.

Additionally, many have daily or weekly promotions they offer existing customers to keep them engaged. For example, many welcome and reload bonuses have rollover requirements. Many bonuses also have minimum deposits you must meet before collecting a bonus.

Other times, a sportsbook chooses a handful of lucky players to win a bonus. For all of the best sportsbook promo codes and bonuses, there are terms and conditions. This is where conditions like rollover requirements, qualifying deposits, time limits, and odds restrictions come in.

So before you use your bonus bets or first bet safety net, here are some key components to sports betting promotions that you need to understand. Some sportsbook promo codes and bonuses catered to new customers, while others entice existing customers to stay and wager more money.

There are also bonuses catered toward certain sports or types of bets. While we explored all types of bets for our list of sports betting promos, you should consider which ones would most benefit you. Sign-up bonuses persuade potential customers to sign up and make a first deposit.

Most sportsbooks offer these welcome offers, though they vary in specifics. However, the higher the match is, the more likely there are high deposit and rollover requirements. As soon as you make an account and verify your information, you can find this bonus on your page.

Some no-deposit bonuses come in the form of extra funds, while others are opportunities like free spins at the casino. With bonus bet credits, you can make wagers and win real money. This allows you to make bets and potentially earn winnings without betting your own money.

However, most sportsbooks require you to reach a certain amount in deposits or wagers before you can earn this credit. You can use most bonus bets on any sport or event. You may use the bonus bet as your entire wager, or toward a larger wager.

Boost bets increase your odds of winning certain bets. Boost bets are only available for a limited time, so we recommend acting fast when you see them. However, you may need to meet low wagering requirements to qualify for this boost.

A reload bonus rewards you for continuing to make deposits and functions very similarly to welcome and sign-up bonuses. The amount you can win depends on the amount of your deposit. However, it can be a nice boost.

These also usually have rollover and deposit requirements and potentially time limits. VIP programs are loyalty programs for high-rollers or very active players. These exclusive programs offer members various perks, promotions, and bonuses to thank them for their loyalty.

This can take the form of higher reload bonuses, free bets, and cashback. In some cases, if an online sportsbook has a physical location, you may be able to redeem your rewards there, too. These are called crossover rewards.

When is football season in full swing, bettors might be looking for NFL-specific bonuses. Weekends in the Fall and Winter are for one thing: football. The NBA has never been better.

With high-octane action on a nightly basis, there is no better betting sport. Even their futures market for end-of-season awards like Rookie of the Year and MVP excite bettors. After all, what better way to use a bonus bet than on a new sport you may be unfamiliar with?

Things can heat up on the ice; any online sportsbook worth their salt knows that. Way before the puck drops ahead of the Stanley Cup Finals, same game parlays and other sports betting promotions become available for all your favorite NHL teams.

Sportsbook bonuses and sports betting promos, like first-deposit bonuses, parlay boosts, cashback, and other bonuses, enhance your sportsbook experience.

We analyzed several online sportsbooks and their bonuses to find the best currently available. Our top pick for sportsbook promos is Mega Dice.

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Selecting the right casino bonus can significantly enhance your gaming experience and potentially increase your winnings. With a plethora of bonuses available, including casino signup bonuses, cashback bonuses, and various other types of casino signup bonuses, it's crucial to make an informed decision.

Here are essential tips to help you identify the best casino bonuses:. By taking into account these elements and utilizing these tactics, you can select the top casino promotions that offer great benefits while also suiting your gaming preferences and style.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your gaming experience while maximizing the potential for wins. Casino bonus codes are special text strings you input to unlock specific bonuses. For instance, entering "1bit" at the 7bit Casino activates a special welcome bonus, without which you would not be able to claim the offer.

Absolutely, casino bonuses can lead to real money wins. However, they typically come with wagering requirements which dictate how many times you need to bet the bonus amount before cashing out your winnings. Yes, they can be very worthwhile. With reasonable wagering requirements, type of online casino bonuses like those offered by 7Bit Casino and Mirax Casino give you a great chance to succeed and add extra value to your gaming sessions.

This bonus is a reward for new users who sign up at an casino. It could be in the form of match deposit bonuses, free spins, or cash bonuses. Not at all. While new players often receive welcome bonuses, existing players have access to reload bonuses, cashback offers, free spins, and VIP programs at many casinos, ensuring ongoing engagement and rewards.

Yes, the same bonuses available on desktop are also accessible on mobile. Typically, bonuses are credited immediately after fulfilling the necessary conditions, such as making a deposit or entering a code.

However, the exact timing can vary by casino and bonus type. Unused bonuses usually expire. Each bonus has a validity period, and if not used within this timeframe, it will no longer be available.

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Place bets on your favorite sports with a boosted bankroll! Explore the best sportsbook promos our top 10 picks have to offer this year The best sportsbook promos and bonuses at legal betting sites include bonus bets, second-chance bets, deposit bonuses, no-deposit bonuses These are bonuses that players need to use in particular games. They are usually free spins or extra money that can be used only on specific

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Prize pool giveaways

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The winner s will be selected in a random drawing by a representative of Sponsor, whose decision will be final and binding in all respects. The weekly Monday winners will be selected on or about every Monday from Monday, March 07, , until Monday, May 09, , with The Grand Prize Drawing being held on or about Monday, May 09, , at Bestway USA Inc.

Offices[1] and will be notified within 24 hours after the drawing by telephone, e-mail, or mail. In the event that Sponsor cannot reach the winner within three 3 days after it attempts to notify the winner, Sponsor will select a new winner according to these rules.

Additionally, if the winner is ineligible, it will be deemed as if the winner has rejected the prize, and Sponsor will select a new winner.

The promotion begins on Monday, February 28, and ends Monday, May 09, All entries must be received by P.

Pacific Time each Sunday prior to the giveaway week to be considered for the following giveaway week. Sponsor reserves the right to terminate this promotion if fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor's reasonable control impairs the integrity of the promotion as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

Use of any automated entry software is prohibited. Online entries made with multiple e-mail addresses, under multiple identities or through the use of any other device or artifice to enter multiple times will be deemed invalid.

At its sole discretion, Sponsor may disqualify any person whom it considers to have intentionally violated the Official Rules or any element of this promotion. By participating, participants agree: to be bound by the Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor; to release and hold harmless Sponsor, their affiliates, subsidiaries, independent contractors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents, including advertising and promotion agencies, from any and all liability with respect to acceptance, possession or use or misuse of the prizes or participation in the promotion.

Taxes federal, state, and local are the sole responsibility of the winner. Sponsor does not provide tax advice. Participants are encouraged to contact their own tax advisor regarding potential tax implications, if any, of this Promotion.

WINNERS LIST:. For the name of the prize-winner s , available after May 09, , please send a separate, self-addressed stamped envelope to "Bestway USA Weekly Giveaway Sweepstakes - List of Winners", S.

By participating in this promotion, each participant agrees that: any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this promotion or any prizes awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the appropriate courts located in the state of Arizona, U.

All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with this promotion, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of Arizona, U.

without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules whether of the state of Arizona, U. or any other jurisdiction , which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the state of Arizona, U. So, if the winner happens to be a Tennessee resident, best to consult with legal counsel.

This list must be submitted within 60 days after the final winners have been selected. The sponsor must also maintain a list of all winning entries for 90 days after the end of the promotion.

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SPONSOR: The sponsor of this promotion is Bestway USA Inc. McQueen Road, Chandler, Arizona 2. PRIZES: ODDS OF WINNING: February 28, - May 09, Weekly Prizes and winners — Winner to be chosen the following Monday after each week of entries.

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